Monday, 28 November 2011

Senior Citizens Party 2011

What a fine body of men, waiting to 'entertain' the senior citizens. Bit like taking coals to Newcastle - the elderly entertaining the slightly more elderly. In fact if it wasn't for the penguin suits I'm not sure we would be able to tell the difference.

A very good barber shop quartet, 'Special Blend' started us off followed by 'Voice Versa' who gave us some amusing and seasonal poems and stories. Worryingly, for the Lions male voice choir, both groups were very professional and slick and were appreciated by the audience.

Even more worryingly they were followed by Hayley Rice who sang beautifully. Apparently she made the final selection for the TV programme X-factor. No pressure then!!

As usual these events wouldn't work or be as smooth without the help of the ladies. The men just wouldn't be as organised or efficient besides which they had their minds focussed on their musical extravaganza.

Just too good a picture to leave out. Mike's finishing his cup of tea before turning round and doing his warm up act. Few people are aware that he is a member of the magic circle or is it the magic roundabout - I always get mixed up.

It has to be reported at this stage that the Lions performance didn't go quite as well as expected. Marion, on the piano, couldn't keep up with the pace set by the choir and at one point the song sounded more like a round with everybody singing different parts. It's a good job that most of the audience had turned down their hearing aids.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Fireworks & Halloween 2011

I feel that I have to be very careful with how I phrase things in this blog - I could get into deep trouble. The ladies made a great effort to get into the spirit of Halloween and looked suitably scary and 'witchy,' some even dressed up!Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble - a little coven hover over the burgers whilst grand wizard Robbo ensures they are burnt in a regular and consistent manner.

I'm not allowed to make any derogatory comments about these two young and attractive ladies who are doing such a fantastic job.

Two very jolly Lions, Martin and Roger who had the very responsible job of being in charge of mushy peas. Roger has been doing the same job for 10 years and he still can't stop them sticking to the bottom of the pan. The peas are more runny than mushy more like a 'jus' - does this makes Martin the 'saucerers apprentice'?

And finally Sheila and Gill who have a very healthy glow and a ring of confidence. These two are such good friends they have become broommates. Thankyou and goodnight!!!