This just about sums up everything you need to know about the English BBQing - blankets, fleeces and dotty old folks cuddling up.

They made fun of my 'chimney thing' but were grateful for the warmth later in the evening.

Where the real work is done. We tried to do our best but all we got were complaints, 'is it ready yet', 'where's my chop', 'my sausage is too small' etc.

What are they looking at? It's something which has caught the ladies imagination although the guys seem unmoved. Must be the shopping channel!!

The cultured corner - I spot a napkin and good quality wine.

'Where's the waiter, I need my glass topping up, I've only had 4 lagers'.

This must have been late in the evening, everyone's smiling and full of bonhomie although they are surrounded by a mini bottle bank.

Ros is clearly legless, it's a good job the table's there to hold her up.

Having suffered abuse for bringing the 'hot object', the group start to gather round it discussing the meaning of life.
A cosy pow wow round the camp fire to finish the night off.