This is what we've been waiting for Neaps & Tatties with meaty haggis. Note its delicate presentation - it wasn't just slopped onto the plate - a lot of thought was involved in leaving a small piece just hanging off the edge.

There they are - one small and perfectly formed meaty product and two aged vessels full of alcohol - the haggis and whisky also look pretty good.
As usual the ladies are in charge of the money - Ros, Anne and Sheila are waiting for custom although is that Anne yawning? Looks like Graham's told her one of his jokes.

No rude comments, just a nice picture and its got my friend Julie on it - the one without dice. I bet this is the way Joe used to make up the railway timetables - one dice to see which train will move and the other two to determine how far and when.

How much action can you get in one picture? Joe and David getting a sweat on returning dice, Graham controlling the race track and Brian in the left corner taking not a blind bit of notice.

I'm tempted to let you make your own comments but I have to say that Gill is adopting a very 'closed' position as Tony holds his equipment rather too fondly and as for that look on his face!!

A good turn out on the night, over 140 making well over a £1000 for local charities and Haiti - well worth all the effort.